Corporate Attorney & Contract Manager
More than 13 years of in-house corporate experience in nuclear construction, worldwide maintenance and logistics turnkey projects, including the United States, Brazil, China, Japan, Finland and South Africa.
Strengthen Business Strategy by integrating legal and contractual risk management as critical criteria in the decision-making process for sales offers, project management and purchasing negotiations. Contracts are strong assets, companies managing them efficiently are more successful.
End to End Contract Management in all phases of the contract lifecycle, from pre-bid through execution, to improve your competitive advantage with proven operational experience in effectively managing contract creation, negotiation and execution:
Mitigate risks through pro-active Risk Management ;
Optimize financial results ;
Increase profitability ;
Improve operational performance ;
Maximize efficiency ;
Guarantee contract compliance ;
Improve reputation.
Customized for various business scenarios for mid-sized and large international corporations focusing on complex infrastructure projects.
Energy – Nuclear & Renewables, Industry, Engineering, Supply Chain, Information Technology (IT)
Tel: 06 38 47 79 85
Mèl: regismahieu@gmx.net
Hikari Enreprise SAS
Conseil en management et organisation. Directeur de projet. Activité en domaine nucléaire, maintenance sur site et en atelier, transport et logistique, fabrication gros composants.
International experience - 11 Years spent in Seoul and Tokyo, 4 years in RSA.
IT infrastructure - Data center construction and operation
Nuclear material/waste transportation
Nuclear plant construction, start-up and maintenance
Specialties:Large IT projects management
Data center hosting & infrastructure
IT & IS Manager
Good knowledge of Japan
Tel: 06 08 80 22 27
Mèl: sometsuke@gmail.com
Site Web: http://gbouvier.com/

Antoine EGEA

Formateur indépendant dans le domaine du commerce extérieur
mouvements intra-communautaires et
exportation des produits soumis à accises (alcools, boissons alcoolisées, tabac, produits énergétiques) EMCS – Excise Movement Control System
Déclaration d'échanges de biens – INTRASTAT System
Traductions Espagnol – Français / Français – Espagnol
Mèl : antoine.egea@free.fr
tél : 06 72 14 53 33
Formatrice allemand tous niveaux
Traductrice anglais/français vers l’allemand
Contacte : 0660861538


En construction
En construction