English for Business Communication : Séminaires spécialisés
Niveau Pré-intermédiaire requis
Individuel ou mini-groupe
Maîtriser les techniques clés de la communication professionnelle
Perfectionner le maniement de l'anglais des affaires

Effective Presentations
Greeting the public
Introducing yourself
Introducing your topic
Outlining/structuring your presentation
Body: Arguing, Visuals and Understanding, Digressing, Getting back on track
Emphasizing and Giving examples, Linking ideas
Summarizing and Concluding
Answering Questions
Business correspondence and the cultural implications of diplomatic communication
Format of a letter
Introductory statement
Defining the problem
Justifying the problem
Offering a solution
Justifying the solution
Effective Meeting Language
What Makes a Good Meeting?
Types of Meetings
Rational Decision Making Process
Role of the Chairperson
Starting the meeting
Welcoming participants
Introducing yourself and the participants
Making an opening statement
State objectives
Handling interruptions
Keeping on track
Soliciting opinions
Role of the Participants
Expressing agreement and disagreement
Expressing opinions
Destabilizing your opponent
Delay tactics
4 Role Plays
Making the call
Introducing yourself
The importance of Chit chat
Stating the reason for the call
Concluding the call
Saying goodbye
Receiving the call
Introducing yourself
Transferring the call
Accepting the call
Win-Win negotiating
Types of negotiations and negotiators
Preparation for the negotiation
Opening statement
Diplomatic language
Bargaining and Making concessions
Accepting and Confirming
Dealing with conflict
Ending the negotiation