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Trends 2
Tel 5: Ending the call
Tel 3: Reason for the call
Tel 1: Reaching the right person, Messages
Trends 4
Trends 1
Tel 4: Receiving a complaint
Tel 2: Structure of the call
Summarizing, Conclusion
Body: Presenting Information 2
Body: Presenting information
Outlining, Structuring
Introducing topic, handling questions
Greetings and Introductions
Meetings 6: Handling interruptions
Meetings 5: Objectives, Minutes
Meetings 4: Opening statement, Agenda
Meetings 3: Introductions
Meetings 2: Starting on Time
Meetings 1: Welcome
Meetings 7: Keep on track, Opinions
Trends 3
Effective Meetings
Meetings 8: Thanking, Moving on, Break
Meetings 9: Summarizing, Addressing comments
Meetings 10: Taking Questions
Making Requests
Me too
At a company

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